
Barcelona… still

The Mercado de Flores in La Rambla — this closed shop looked ready to burst at the seams with flowers. Rebecca Horn’s famous cube installation. The Port, Barcelona. Frank Gehry’s “Peix” shining gold in the four o’clock sun. This is the beach in winter. Viva la Revolucion! At La Rambla. A trixi taxi that we… Continue reading Barcelona… still

la pedrera · parq guell · sagrada familia · spain

And then there was Esperanza

Barcelona, Spain. The rest of the first day was a total Gaudi day. We started by the sea, then went up a massive hill to Parq Guell. It’s a fairytale garden, this place, with is off-kilter pillars, a tunnel like a wave, colourful mosaics, and sinuous recreation areas. A man played a lute under a… Continue reading And then there was Esperanza


Diary Entry, Barcelona, October 27, 2007

(Sul’s B’day)I find it hard to believe that I am sitting by the ocean in Barcelona and having a cup of tea. The sun is blazing and it makes the cold much more bearable, especially with the sea breeze. Watching fishermen cast out their lines. We had a long night’s drive and I was pretty… Continue reading Diary Entry, Barcelona, October 27, 2007