Paris November 2008

Serendiparis – Part II

The Musee d’Orsay’s large central clock. (Used to be an old railway station before it became an art museum.) The main floor of the Musee d’Orsay. Degas’ most famous sculpture. Pigalle by night. A cafe in Pigalle. Montmartre at night, with the Sacre Coeur in the background. This is the most touristy square in the… Continue reading Serendiparis – Part II

Books · Europe · Paris November 2008 · Travel

Serendiparis – Part I

Before rushing out the door to get to the airport, I scanned my bookshelf for an airplane read. Since I was headed to Paris, I thought it would be à propos to pick a French author for my journey, and given that I wouldn’t have the concentration to actually read in French, I decided on… Continue reading Serendiparis – Part I